Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Rain, rain, go away!
The letter "w" is pronounced as the letter "v"

zahl= number
Heute= today

It's been raining for the past few days; on and off, but enough to put a damper on my exploring plans. I wanted to go out and explore more of the city, but my dislike of rain kept me away from that. Instead, I have been cleaning, watching The Big Bang Theory (I blame Carolyn for getting me into this show) doing work for my UVA class, and discovering/completing a free self-online German class. I find it ironic that my UVA class is about how to teach second language learners as I am one myself right now...

Jack told me about, a German website that is written mostly in English. Think of it as a website with lots of German aspects. It's actually a nifty site. I'd recommend checking it out! On this site, you can learn German for free, and it's actually quite informative. I've only done the first lesson (each lesson takes about 45 minutes), but it incorporates reading, speaking, and writing. It reviewed a lot of what I learned this past summer, but it was good to refresh. Ich heiße Sarah. Ich komme aus den USA. Ich wohne in Berlin. Meine lieblingszahl ist 3. Heute ist Mittwoch. I look forward to tomorrow's lesson that will teach me about the weather, my family, and colors.

On another note, when I did venture out, I discovered a "EuroShop", or a dollar store. It was quite awesome, and I look forward to buying some of Jack's anniversary gifts from there :)

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