Sunday, October 27, 2013

Haiku #1: Ode to Brötchen

This post is dedicated to Susan, who warned me about the amazingness of German breads (and cakes, and chocolates, and mustards...)

das Brötchen = roll
das Brot = bread
Laugenbrötchen = the taste doesn't translate :)

Oh Brot! How fluffy
you are to soak up the li-
quid of my soup

*       *       *

Laugenbrötchen ist
unser lieblingsbröchen wiel
es ist wie brezel.

*       *       *

I have never seen
a soft, brown cloud, with crystals
Das schmeckt sehr gut.

*       *       *

A carb hemisphere
Nutty, salty, sweet, and moist
Perfect with a wurst

*       *       *

I always try to
take a picture of das Brot.
But it disappears...

So I went online
and found a Google image.
It looks so yummy!

There is even a
recipe to try and make
This delicious Brot.

(Source: The Froehliche Haus Frau)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the dedication! What a beautiful haiku. Was is "haiku" auf deutsch?
