The mushroom fountain in the "platz" right outside our apartment
Pretty church
Volkspark Wilmersdorf- the lake (the first of four parts of the park)
Glass receptacles: White, Green, and Brown Glass containers
Die Siegessäule
Carillon- Das Glockenspiel
Die Bundestag (Parliament)
Die Brandenburger Tor
KaDaWe (some of the 6th floor)

Holocaust Memorial
The Berlin Marathon at the Brandenburger Tor
KaDaWe (some of the 6th floor)
The Berlin Marathon at the Brandenburger Tor
Fall in Berlin
Our 2nd anniversary at an Ethiopian Restaurant in Prenzlauer berg
Karaoke in Mauerpark
Festival of Lights
Festival of Lights
Herbst (Fall) in Berlin
Siegessäule during the Festival of Lights
Enjoying a pretty, Fall day :)
Laugenbröchen...sehr Lecker!
Laugenbröchen soaking up the liquid of my soup
A decorated apartment building right near our apartment
Berlin at Night
Nikoliviertel at night
A beautiful walk on a beautiful February day
Berlin's own Love Bridge
Nyhavn, Copenhagen
Pretty Bird on the grounds of Sansoucci
Sacre Coeur
St. Chapelle...the windows were breathtaking
Our 2nd anniversary at an Ethiopian Restaurant in Prenzlauer berg
Karaoke in Mauerpark
Festival of Lights
Festival of Lights
Herbst (Fall) in Berlin
Siegessäule during the Festival of Lights
Enjoying a pretty, Fall day :)
Laugenbröchen...sehr Lecker!
Laugenbröchen soaking up the liquid of my soup
It means "Small Hamburger Street" -teehee!
Topography of Terror
Topography of Terror #2
Pretty picture at night of Nikolaiviertel, das Rathaus, and Fernsehturm
One of the churches in Gendarmarkt. Can't wait too see all of the Christmas decorations!
Lego Santa and Snowman at the Sony centerA decorated apartment building right near our apartment
The first snow!
"Winter Sucks" - Cafe in Paris does
Picture of my favorite Christmas Market near Alexanderplatz
Christmas Tree in Pariser Platz near Brandenburger Tor
Jack being silly with a spear shaped present. It was a spatula...
Reliving Paris at the Galerie Lafayette in Berlin :)
Tee hee...he got the foam up his nose
Our first real snowNikoliviertel at night
A beautiful walk on a beautiful February day
Rock climbing wall near Teufelsberg in Grunewald.
View from Reichtag BuildingBerlin's own Love Bridge
Cherry Blossoms in Berlin!
Beautiful view of the Neue Synagogue Dome from Tucholskystr.
The Little Mermaid, Copenhagen
Mutti and Dad in Sansoucci
A walk on the grounds of Schloss Charlottenburg
View of the Louve from the Tuileries Gardens
Interesting view of Notre Dame from the side in St. GermainSacre Coeur
St. Chapelle...the windows were breathtaking
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