Every so often, I will have as segment called "Live and Learn". Here, I will post experiences about some fairly typical events, such as today's. Enjoy!
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der Arzt = Doctor (man)
die Ärztin = Doctor (female)
die Praxis = Practice (as in a doctor's practice...not like practicing the piano)
brauchen = to need
I knew before coming to Germany that I would need to refill an American prescription. Rather than going through insurance companies in America and paying an exorbitant amount of money for a year supply, I figured that I would wait to get a German prescription and refill it for cheaper. I'll just say what it is; it's birth control. Jack and I have no wish to breed German babies, so I knew that I would need to see an Arzt sometime soon.
After searching online on how to go about refilling American birth control, I found that I could go to a general practitioner and they could search for the prescription and give me the German equivalent. What do ya know? There is a highly recommended, English speaking, Ärztin, not 10 minutes away! Score! Wednesday happened to be a walk-ins only day. Don't mind if I do!
While the doctor is an English speaker, none of her staff is. This posed a problem, as my limited Deutsch and their no-English did not necessarily convey what I needed. "Ich habe ein...uh...
prescription von
America. Ich brauche ein...uh...
prescription von Deutschland." I kept pointing to the prescription from CVS, but somehow, the lady did not get what I needed. I filled out a form and went to the waiting room.
An hour and 15 minutes later (if I knew that I would have waited that long, I would have brought a snack!), Dr. ___ called my name. After some fiddle-dee-dooing on the computer, she could not find a German equivalent and instructed me to visit a gynecologist to get a second opinion. I was out of her office within 10 minutes. She was nice, and it's good to know a doctor just in case (knock on wood), but I was angry thinking about how much time and money was wasted.
PS, each doctor's visit is at least 50euros just to see the doctor...oye...
Fast forward to today. I went to the gyno who is an English speaker, but again, the office staff is not. I waited for a whopping hour and 45 minutes. I was finally called in to the office of Dr. ___, a very spirited and opinionated older lady who thinks that America health care is, to use her words, "crap". My birth control, and all American prescriptions are "crap" because they destroy your liver. "Your FDA let's anything into those pills." I laughed awkwardly, wondering if I should apologize on behalf of the US.
After some fiddle-dee-dooing on the computer, she found a German "better" equivalent birth control, and wrote a prescription. "What do you usually spend on your pill?" Dr.___ asked. I told her the amount, which caused her eyes and mouth to open wide. "Oh, America...you'll pay that for a 3 month supply here. See? German prescription is better!" I left with a German prescription, several free samples, and just happy that I don't have to pay too much money to keep the German babies at bay.