This past weekend, Jack and I woke up early to catch our 7 hour train to Munich. Munich, the place of beer, wurst, and pretzels, is also the home to Jack's Happy Place; The Deutches Museum.
We planned the travel and accommodations of our trip, but winged the rest of it. What were we going to do each day? No idea. On Saturday, being rainy and somewhat cold, we decided to go to the Deutsches Museum, a museum that we only assumed was a museum full of Deutches (German) art. How wrong we were. This museum happened to be a technical museum, of all German technologies in every possible field. There were artifacts of German glass making, printing, car and train modeling, space exploration, plane flying, and most importantly (to Jack), ship building.
Jack looking at the planking of the model ship |
Jack loves anything to do with ship models. All last year, he spent countless hours working on the "Jolly Boat of the HMS Bounty" (whatever that means). When visiting Copenhagen this year, we stayed in a hotel that had model ships throughout the lobby and the man spent all of our down time looking at them. When we entered the room in the Deutches on German ship building, Jack was in awe. There were life sized ship models, small ship models, and everything in between. I can't remember for certain, but I believe he jumped and clapped in glee. He ran ahead, like a little child, shouting "Look at this one! It's so cool!"
"Toot! Toot!" |
Then the museum guard pressed a button on one of the life sized ships. Instantly, the motors of the ship moved, the horn sounded, and Jack's mouth dropped to the floor. I don't know what was bigger; the smile on his face, or the length that his mouth dropped. He continued to run ahead, looking at all of the model ships, pointing and smiling, and I watched him like a mother watching her child play in puddles in the rain. How I love this man...what a dork he is...
Look of awe |
Don't get me wrong. The pretzels were good, too :)
Pretzel the size of an Elephant's ear |
That pretzel looks pretty amazing, and I have to admit I would have been freaking out about automated model ships too!