Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Give me a High Five #4: Letzte Woche

letzte - last
Woche - week

I've been racking my brain for the last few days, trying to think about what to write for my next blog post. Many people (ok, really just meine Mutti), will often comment when I have not blogged in a while. Some weeks, there is a lot to write about. Others, like this past week, there is very little. Call this a cop-out if you want, but this post will be a list of 5 things that I did this week. There is no particular order to the list, nor is this everything that we did... just whatever pops into my head first!

1. I made biscotti for the first time. For my first ever biscotti experience, I made a basic (but delicious!) Polenta Biscotti. Can't wait to try some other recipes!

2. Jack and I spent our Saturday with friends, playing the expansion version of Carcassonne. For once, I won! Our friends made some yummy chili for lunch, followed by a fresh fruit salad. We then went to Dussmann's, where I bought the 5th Game of Thrones (Dance With Dragons) book. After, we went to the cafe on the bottom floor of Dussmann's, enjoying tea, coffee, or beer.

3. I babysat...a lot.

4. Had my last evening German class. I really enjoyed the people that were in my class, but with the babysitting that I am doing, it is too hard to keep up with the evening classes. Once Jack and I get back from Dresden, I am planning on enrolling in the intensive morning classes; 5 days a week, 3 hours of German. That's a lot of Deutsch.

5. For Christmas, Jack and I received "Big Boggle" (Thanks, Sandy!). Boggle is one of my all time favorite games, mainly because it's one of the few games that I actually win. Jack and I have been playing Big Boggle on a nightly basis right after dinner. While he has won a round or two, he is getting destroyed in the others. Oops :)

I'm adding a #6 because this happened 2 weeks ago, so technically it doesn't count. I added another page to my blog all about the weather. I'm keeping track of how many Awesome, Medium, and Absolutely Sucky days we have, in case you're interested. Also, if you look to the right -->
I created an "Updates" section that says when each page has been updated.

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